Dream U
Where All Your Dream Come True
Service Description
The Ancient Nahua people said that if you want to consciously create or manifest anything in your life, the Earth must 'dream it' first. This class is based on the 5,000 year old secrets of the Toltec/Mexica wisdom path that I learned from Sergio Magana as well as the most powerful manifestation tools I have aquired along my journey from elders in the community. You will learn powerful dreaming practices of dreaming and dream-induced states of consciousness. Lucid dreaming is no longer a secret for the chosen few. It is now well researched by credible scientists and documented as yet another alternate state of consciousness. Below are details about the class: You will have access to all 8 modules immediately. They will all be categorized in modules and in the order they should be completed. You will also have PDF's that can be downloaded. Many hours, days , and weeks went into making this program unlike anything you have ever experienced. I suggest going through one module a week. You will have continued support after the class is complete. There will be continued support in the group for at least 1 month. The Things we will cover: Opening Sacred Space for Dreaming Ancient Techniques to Increase Your Energy and Auric Field to Have The Energy to do This Work Mexicatzin: The foundational knowledge of dreaming including 'planting dreams'

Contact Details
+ 4085099455
815 First Street, Brentwood, 94505, USA